Let's play as it was 2017
Little secret here: we do not work too hard on the last day of the year. Instead... we play board games... Not that facade details and mullion calculations are not fun, but well, there are some other types of fun too. The tradition has started as our downtown office location makes it impossible to work a full day on 31st of Dec, as road closures start from 3 pm due to the fireworks later at midnight. And since we need to leave early anyway, better to just meet for a good game. This year it was slightly different, as 31st fall on Saturday, but for popular demand, we had games on Thursday afternoon :) We play modern board games, this year we played the cooperative game Pandemic - Reign of Cthulhu, and the strategic, construction-themed board game Quadropolis. Last year's favorites were Codenames and the cooperative Zombicide, that can be played by up to 12 players per board. And yes, it is about killing zombies...
Happy happy new year to all of you. May 2017 bring successful projects to all.